Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board

Max Harris, HE&M Saw, Pryor


Michael Earl, Mabrey Bank, Tulsa

Class S Directors (Small Manufacturers)

Sarah Fields, Jetta Corporation, Edmond
Michael Grant
, McElroy Manufacturing, Tulsa
John Griffin
, Griffin Foods, Muskogee
Geoff Hager, Big Elk Energy, Tulsa
Jeff O’Neal, Advantage Controls, Muskogee
Michael Rogers, Arrowhead Winch, Broken Arrow
Matt Torres, RISE Armament, Broken Arrow

Class L Directors (Large Companies)

Christy Idleman, OG&E, OKC
Scott Pollard
, Bama Companies, Tulsa
Garrett Wright, PSO, Tulsa

Public Sector

Michael Davis, Oklahoma Finance Authorities
Brent Haken, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education
Jennifer McGrail, Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST)