Career Pathways

OMA’s interactive manufacturing Career Pathways tool documents the progression of skills, competencies, and education/training for key manufacturing occupations.

Our goal is to help workers and manufacturers visualize the interconnected pathways of multiple occupations and to illustrate the necessary education/training and competencies required at each level.

Click here to explore our Career Pathways tool »

The Career Pathways tool can be used in three ways:

  1. Individuals wanting to pursue or further their career in manufacturing can use the pathways to envision a career with advancement opportunities in manufacturing.
  2. Oklahoma manufacturers can utilize these pathways as a tool to attract potential employees to their company and as a career progression model, utilizing these progressions in concert with their own advancement strategies.
  3. Workforce and education partners can use them as a career planning and progression tool.

These career pathways were developed with extensive feedback from the Manufacturing Alliance’s Workforce Committee, which represents a diverse group of manufacturers from around the state. Development included input from all manufacturers in the state, as well as regional workforce, education, and economic development partners.